Eric's Movie DataBase

Keep track of your Movies and TV Series


EMDB V5.30
Latest version of EMDB including the AutopUpdater, several skins, default HTML template and all translations...
Retro Skin
Set of the previous default icons. A lot of users still seem to like them ;-) Download and unzip in the skins folder.
Created by EMDB.
Buddha Skin
Minimalistic skin with color scheme and icons which perfectly fit the Modern and Black Bookshelf backgrounds. Download and unzip in the skins folder.
Created by DenFRTH.
Basic Elegant Skin - V1.1
Another skin with color scheme and icons which perfectly fit the Modern and Black Bookshelf backgrounds. Download and unzip in the skins folder.
Created by Domenico Cosentino.
Dark Comfort HTML Template - V2.1
A nice user created HTML Export template. Download and unzip in the templates folder. Updated with the latest HTML export features.
Created by R3gi.
Responsive Red HTML Template - V1.4
A new user created HTML Export template including some nice Javascript. Download and unzip in the templates folder.
Created by LeChuck.
Orange is the New Black HTML Template
The previous default HTML Export template. Some people still seem to prefer it over the new one. Download and unzip in the templates folder.
EMDB Thumbnails Pack
Set of alternative images as default thumbnail...